Depression, anxiety and its connection to teen porn and sex addiction

Depression, anxiety and its connection to teen porn and sex addiction

Depression, anxiety and other mood and affective disorders impact many youth in society. Often these issues go untreated. Teen depression is a serious mental health issue that causes feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities and lack of motivation. It...
Technology and internet addiction and the connection to teen sexual acting out

Technology and internet addiction and the connection to teen sexual acting out

A majority of today’s teens have never experienced life without the internet. They have used the internet since they were old enough to touch a screen and eagerly learn to utilize new technologies as quickly as it can be created. For many teens their use of the...
Are youth diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder more vulnerable to porn and sexual addiction?

Are youth diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder more vulnerable to porn and sexual addiction?

Reactive Attachment Disorder | Teen Porn and Sexual Addiction Often parents with an adopted child wonder whether, when, if and how to tell their child that he or she is adopted. Many also wonder and worry if adopted children face special problems or challenges. Among...
Is technology changing the profile of teen sexual offenders?

Is technology changing the profile of teen sexual offenders?

Is the typical profile of a juvenile sexual offender changing as a result of exposure to the ease of access to sexually explicit material? While research in this area is lacking, some researchers are suggesting it may play a role. Among those is Dr. Michael Seto,...
Rattle Snakes and Addiction: lessons in keeping distance

Rattle Snakes and Addiction: lessons in keeping distance

Our Leo group stumbled upon this four foot long rattle snake this week. For most in the group, it was their first sighting of a rattler in the wild. Encountering this dangerous creature allowed for a process group therapy session around keeping and maintaining...